Friday, February 17, 2012

A Dice tossed for five years

Politicians do their politics for five years and when it’s our time to use our mind to decide the vote and to choose the candidate then it’s just a formality or the tick to same political symbol in the poll booth. 

Who will be chosen by you?  Who will get your vote? Which party will become majority? These questions are actually to decide the moves of the game.
The game of politics, a game which technically excludes us for five years and then we get our turn, a long waited but a very important turn, yet an ignored part of life!
It’s crazy that we discuss, blame and shriek for half a decade and when we have a reasonable role to play, a magnetic dice to throw then we either throw it without proper judgment as a formality or justify ourselves that our one vote can’t bring the change.

Yes, it’s true that presently our vote is not going to bring the change because most of us are the part of predicted vote bank of some party. And vote banks are the sole reason of unchangeable condition of politics. That’s because our vote decides the change but if our vote is itself not changed to bring fresh parties then of course no change will come.

We need to use our vote in a thought out manner for a reasonable party. However opposite happens, we remain rooted to same party for decades without thinking about the impact.Politicians do their politics for five years and when it’s our time to use our mind to decide the vote and to choose the candidate then it’s just a formality or the tick to same political symbol in the poll booth.

Change in vote is not necessary if the current candidate is doing well but if the candidate/party is not reliable and showed its true colors in the last half decade (5 years) then why to waste vote on that party. Yet, people wear the black goggles of ignorance towards that particular party; their blind ignorance is further darkened by the hollow speeches and promises of parties before election which are never catered after election.

It’s interesting to note that this happens again and again .But most people remain sticked to corroded parties and those who boycotted that party foolishly also boycotts their votes.

So it’s my request to those people that change whom you vote if you want to see a change in politics!

Copyright: Make/Vote new political party

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Voter's strategy

3 magnetic Tips:Cast ur vote, change ur vote,
kick away the vote bank politics
Formula :Always Increase your choice

Advise:Don't choose one who promise before election
 and eat away the tax and dreams after election
Vote: Can Bring Your Neta Under Your Feet
Choose Wisely, Live Well!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why a new party is needed?

But in our country we always have BJP and Congress as only powerful candidate for CENTER
(its a tragedy)

We gave chances to both n both BJP and Congress but they showed dark colors in majority and tricolors in opposition.
Since our so called independence our nation is electing only BJP or Congress to the center, These parties are coming and going  but only a drop of change has arrived in the last 6 DECADES. So problem is not in our constition or Institutional procejure but in our politicians or more formally representatives|CHANGE THEM!| 

These parties were always VOTE BANK CENTERED hence they made Indian Democracy a country where we have right to vote but only to BJP / CONGRESS.Another reason of this is that we never tried to introduce new parties every election for competition of center level.

How to select and prepare candidates

  1. Select promising candidates weather literate or illiterate and
  2.  then train eligible or selected canditates them for free for at least 6 months(or fixed courses) through means of audio and videos and theory(only if candidate knows to write).
  3. Training and initial selections should be done by political schools run by Election Commission, So that only from trained and selectated canditates political parties could choose their canditate.
  4. It means there should be no self selection by PARTY so as to prevent corrupt selections
  5. |give your views|